Infertility Medical Procedures and Line of Treatments

Female infertility is fundamentally an inability of a woman to fall pregnant and maintain that pregnancy to its term. Although there are several different types of infertility and reasons, why a woman can experience fertility issues, the signs of infertility are many times obscure. Miscarriages are considered the most common indicator of fertility problems, although it is believed that up to 20% of women will have a miscarriage before progressing to have a successful pregnancy.

Signs of Infertility

In women, the signs of infertility are easily recognizable compared to men. Some commonly seen fertility issues can be – Endometriosis, a condition where the lining of the uterus extends outside it; fibroids (also called non-cancerous tumors) often as a result of fluctuation in hormones; ovarian cysts, and cervical tumors that can lead to a narrowing of the cervix; as well as not so obvious causes for example blocked fallopian tubes.

Medical Procedures

There are several medical tests available that will be able to determine where fertility issues like.

Laparoscopy – a keyhole procedure that identifies issues with the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes.

Hysterosalpingography – A procedure where a tube is inserted into the cervix along with injecting a dye, and monitoring; to pinpoint if blockages exist in the fallopian tubes or the uterus.

Infertility Treatment Methods

Various methods to treatment for infertility are – medication, surgery, and assisted reproductive technology (ART). ART is a cutting-edge method of infertility treatment that costs more than other two methods.

How Long the Treatment Takes?

It is dependent on the treatment method and individual taking the treatment. Treatment using fertility drugs can at times take many months before the results are experienced. If a surgical correction is carried out, in a few cases, conception takes place immediately. However, for others it can take many months. In assisted reproductive technology for instance in vitro fertilization (IVF), fertilization of egg takes place in a lab and the embryo formed is transplanted into mother’s uterus, leaving it to develop as a baby. The procedure for one IVF cycle can take 4 to 6 weeks, and it will take another two weeks for pregnancy symptoms to be seen after a successful IVF.

Summing Up

While medical procedures will identify what the cause of the infertility is, many people adopt holistic approach to overcome their individual problems. A good diet, vitamin and mineral supplementation, some exercise, reduced alcohol consumption and various other factors can all have a positive impact on a person’s fertility.